This is a fan-transcribed script for Oxenfree II: Lost Signals, the 2023 game developed by Night School Studios.

It consists of the dialogue said by the characters, rather than the subtitles, due to dropped or added words, as well as misspellings in the subtitles. Because of the nature of a text script, this will not include positions of when characters interject over one another. For that, you will need to refer to the game or a playthrough.

Characters talking through a walkie will be clearly marked with a [R] before their name. Unknown speakers (to Riley at the time of her listening) will be marked with a [STATION #].

For dialouge through radios, it will be signified with a station number (ex. "93.7: Bottom of the now tenth for the Camena Crayfish...").

Dialouge that follows necessary interactions (ex. map tutorial, Jacob's ignition) will be within brackets (ex. [PULL OUT MAP], [KEEP HOLDING])

This is not meant to be a replacement for playing the game; this is intended to be a full script for fan reference, as tracking down certain quotes, especially those locked behind certain dialogue options, can be a pain in the neck. If you have not played the game, play the game. You will not regret it!!

This script is NOT made or edited by the creator of the original. I really appreciated the last script for the original Oxenfree, for tracking down quotes. Really helpful for fanfiction purposes! So, I decided that I would make a new one for Lost Signals.

You can purchase Oxenfree II: Lost Signals from any of these platforms or distributors:


SUNKEN: [distorted] Oh. It’s You. Again.
ALEX: W-what… what do you want?
SUNKEN: [distorted] Rules. You. Know.
ALEX: Jonas! Where did you–
SUNKEN: [distorted] Is. Leave. Possible.


How'd I get here?

RILEY: H-How... w-wait, how did I get here...?
RILEY: Am I... is this another...? Ugh..

Hello? Anyone here?

RILEY: Hello? Anybody... here?
RILEY: Am I... is this another...?

Am I dreaming?

RILEY: Okay, this... might be a dream.
RILEY: It's probably a dream. Maybe it's a dream...
RILEY: Or it's a... another...?

[STATION 9]???: Riley? Riley, are you there?
[STATION 9}: Riley? Come in, Riley.
[STATION 9]: Riley, please answer, okay? I need to talk to you.
[STATION 9]: Riley, come in. Over.
[STATION 9]: Can you hear me?
[STATION 9]: Please… come in, Riley. C’mon.

Who is this?

RILEY: Who-- who is this?
[STATION 9]: Riley? It's [STATIC]


RILEY: Y--yes?
[STATION 9]: Riley? Thank god [STATIC]

What do you want?

RILEY: W--what do you want?
[STATION 9]: Riley? Thank god [STATIC]

[STATION 9]: Are you-- where-- where are you?
[STATION 9]: Are you still at the [STATIC]
[STATION 9]: Or did things jump?

I don't know.

RILEY: I-- I don't know, I'm not sure.

What's going on?

RILEY: What’s going on? What’s—what happened, where am I?

You're hard to hear.

RILEY:I-- I can barely hear you, you're going in and out.

[STATION 9]: They’re not [STATIC] think they are.
[STATION 9]: They’re [STATIC] dangerous.
[STATION 9]: [STATIC] you there?
[STATION 9]: [STATIC] -—can’t get back.


RILEY: Hello? Are you—- are you still there?

Who's dangerous?

RILEY: Who are you—- who’s dangerous?

Who is this?!

RILEY: Who is this? I can't hear what you’re—- what you’re saying…




RILEY: H-hello? Is anyone in here?
RILEY: Alright, well... no, then.

Not waking up, yet...

RILEY: Either I shouldn’t have taken that extra half of a sleeping pill tonight, or…
RILEY: …I really am… here… and have no clue why.

Place looks deserted.

RILEY: No one would work like this. I don’t think this place’s operational.


Anyone up there?

RILEY: Uh, is anyone up there?

Lighthouse looks off.

RILEY: Doesn't look like the lamp works anymore.


What the Hell...

RILEY: What... the hell is...

What is this thing?

RILEY: What... is this thing?

1952 - TIME TEAR

Who are you?

RILEY: Excuse me-- who-- who are you?

Where am I?

RILEY: Uh-- where is this? Where-- am I?

Do I know you?

RILEY: [hesitates] Um.. I think.. Do we know each other?

[POSSESSED]???: Bury me..
[POSSESSED]???: Where you can't see water.


[STATION 7]: Come in Riley… if you’re there, pick up, please.
[STATION 7]: Riley. Answer, please. Over.
[STATION 7]: Are you there? Riley? It’s the little button on the left, with the dial.
[STATION 7]: RILEY! ARE YOU IN THE BATHROOM?! Just hit the-- the thing on the side!
[STATION 7]: Riley, pick up, please, thank you. Over.

Yeah, I'm here.

RILEY: Yeah, yeah, I’m- I’m here, hi, hey.
[STATION 7]: Hey! Hi, thank God. I didn’t know if you’d be in range.

Sorry, I dozed off.

RILEY: Yeah, yeah, sorry, I’m here- I… think I dozed off for a second.
[STATION 7]: Hey! Hi-- that’s okay, I’m just glad that you picked up and that the walkie’s working.

Who is this?

RILEY: Hey. Who is this?
[STATION 7]: Sorry, can you hear me? The distortion might be… futzing with this.
[STATION 7]: I’m just glad that the walkie’s still kind of in range.

[R] EVELYN: I’m Evelyn, an environmental researcher with the lab.
[R] EVELYN: Uh, welcome to your first day on the job! [chuckles]
[R] EVELYN: I’m sure Leslie went over this stuff with you already during training and orientation, so forgive me if I repeat a few things.
[R] EVELYN: You’re just going to be planting transmitters along the coast to help us study anomalous frequencies.
[R] EVELYN: First of all, can you, uh, can you hear me okay?
[R] EVELYN: Over.

I can hear you fine.

RILEY: Yeah, I can hear you alright. Uh, over.
[R] EVELYN: Awesome.

It's a little muffled.

RILEY: Um, it’s a tad… mutilated but, you know, not too bad.
RILEY: I can make out the consonants.
[R] EVELYN: [laughs a little] As long as it’s something.

What's the job again?

RILEY: Yeah, it’s okay, but, uh, what’s the job, again? Something about transmitters?

[R] EVELYN: Leslie probably told you we’re an environmental group.
[R] EVELYN: Local governments will contract us to study the effects of deforestation or noise pollution-
[R] EVELYN: but my specific area of expertise is in strange or otherwise unique natural phenomena.
[R] EVELYN: Electrogravity, ion winds, y’know, stuff like that.
[R] EVELYN: Now, over the last few months, Camena’s been overrun with disruptions in the electromagnetic spectrum.
[R] EVELYN: These frequencies act like radio waves, but as far as we know, aren’t.
[R] EVELYN: And they’re messing with the town’s comm equipment, TV stations, even air traffic signals.
[R] EVELYN: The transmitters you’ll place will relay any signals back to us, so we can study them.
[R] EVELYN: Got it?
[R] EVELYN: Over.

Explain it again...

RILEY: Sorry, Evelyn, could you go over that again? This is about radio signals?
[R] EVELYN: Yeah, it’s- yeah. It’s all a little strange, right?
[R] EVELYN: You’re going to be placing transmitters around the coastline of Camena to study electromagnetic phenomena.
[R] EVELYN: Camena’s recently been flooded with as-of-yet untraceable signals that have been interfering with electronic equipment.
[R] EVELYN: We have some theories, but… these transmitters will provide us the data we need to figure out what’s happening.
[R] EVELYN: Sound good?

Got it.

RILEY: Okay… alright, that, uh, that makes sense. I think.
RILEY: I think I remember doing something like this in a highschool science class.
[R] EVELYN: Yeah, it’s a little weird, right? Hopefully this sort of thing is interesting to you.

Sorta sounds spooky.

RILEY: So there’s weird frequencies blocking airplane chatter that no one can explain?
RILEY: Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but this is… kinda spooky, right?
[R] EVELYN: No, you’re dead on, this is super spooky. The sort of thing my partners get out of bed for.

[R] EVELYN: Your transmitters and climbing gear-for the rocky terrain- are being held with the very polite manager of the General Store.
[R] EVELYN: Should be right in the center of the harbor.
[R] EVELYN: Go get them, and call me back, okay?
[R] EVELYN: Oh! And- before I forget, uh, you have a walkie talkie! [laughs]
[R] EVELYN: You’ll be using it to keep in contact with me and anyone else you’ll need to chat with.
[R] EVELYN: Uh, do you want me to go over the basics of how to use it?

I know how to use it.

RILEY: Uh, no that’s alright, I think I got the hang of it. Over.
[R] EVELYN: [chuckles] Alright, great.
[R] EVELYN: Okay, I think we’ve covered everything..

I need a refresher.

RILEY: Uh, I- I could use a refresher if you don’t mind.
[R] EVELYN: Not a problem, not a problem.
[R] EVELYN: So, go ahead and look at your walkie.
[R] EVELYN: There are a lot of channels, as you can see.
[R] EVELYN: I’ll always be on channel 7. So if you ever want to chat, just click over to that and say hi.
[R] EVELYN: But, uh, let’s- let’s hop over to channel 5 so you can see it working.

I'm here. Evelyn! You here?

RILEY: Hey Evelyn, I’m here. You there?
[R] EVELYN: Perfect!
[R] EVELYN: I’m your nightwatch, so I’ll be on all night using the bathroom, or taking a bug outside or something.
[R] EVELYN: Alright, let’s- let’s switch back to channel 7 so we’re not crowding anyone else who could be using this channel.
[R] EVELYN: See you on 7!

Evelyn? I'm on 7.

RILEY: Hey, Evelyn? I’m back on 7. Over.
[R] EVELYN: Great! Hey, hi.
[R] EVELYN: So uh, everything about the walkie talkie makes sense?

Yep. Makes sense.

RILEY: Makes total sense, you’re a good teacher. Uh, over.
[R] EVELYN: [chuckles] Thanks, I try to be.

I'll figure it out.

RILEY: Uh, that… you know what, I’ll figure it out.
RILEY: But if it takes me a second to answer your call, don’t take offense. I’m not the most mechanically inclined person.
[R] EVELYN: [chuckles] Don’t worry about it. You’ll take to it in no time.

[R] EVELYN: Well, nice to meet you, Riley, even if not in person, yet.
[R] EVELYN: Let me know when you got your gear, okay? General Store. Okay, over and out.


RILEY: Huh. Doesn’t look like anyone’s here…
RILEY: I should probably call Evelyn and let her know.

There's no one here, Evelyn.

RILEY: Hey, Evelyn…
RILEY: Is there, like, another General Store nearby? Cause there’s nobody here, so…
RILEY: I don’t know what to do. Over.
[R] EVELYN: Aw, crud. Okay. He must have closed early.
[R] EVELYN: This isn’t a deal breaker though! Just head up the hill on your way to Camber Cape.
[R] EVELYN: Your partner, Jacob Summers, is having some car trouble, but he’s got a transmitter you can both use for tonight.
[R] EVELYN: Over.


RILEY: Uh, oh, I’m sorry, but “partner”?
RILEY: If I’d known I was working with somebody, I, uh, might have remembered to put on deodorant… [weak chuckle]
[R] EVELYN: Oh, it’s fine. He’s another contractor- Jacob Summers.
[R] EVELYN: We like to use a buddy system when people are in the field.
[R] EVELYN: You never know what could happen, people slip or get bit by snakes or…

What about the climbing gear?

RILEY: Oh, uh, okay. But what about the climbing gear? Don’t I… don’t we need that?
[R] EVELYN: Well, if Jacob gets his truck fixed, it might help mitigate the need, but…
[R] EVELYN: Regardless, we’ll have you do a simple one tonight that doesn’t require climbing.
[R] EVELYN: Tomorrow you can start on the bad boys.

Can't I just start tomorrow?

RILEY: Uh, if I can’t get the transmitters, is it alright if I just start tomorrow?
RILEY: I’m here for the whole weekend, so.
[R] EVELYN: Actually, Riley, it’s pretty important we get some data in the system tonight.
[R] EVELYN: You and Jacob can plant one tonight, and start the rest tomorrow.

[R] EVELYN: Sorry, Riley, uh… one sec…
[R] EVELYN: That can’t be right.
[R] EVELYN: Those readings… don’t make any sense.


RILEY: Uh, Evelyn?
[R] EVELYN: Sorry, Riley, I gotta go, but, uh… real quick. You have your map with you right?
[R] EVELYN: Pull it out for a second.

Who are you talking to?

RILEY: Hey, are you talking to somebody?
[R] EVELYN: Sorry, Riley, I gotta go, but, uh… real quick. You have your map with you right?
[R] EVELYN: Pull it out for a second.

Is everything okay?

RILEY: Hey, uh, Evelyn, is everything alright?
[R] EVELYN: Sorry, Riley, I gotta go, but, uh… real quick. You have your map with you right?
[R] EVELYN: Pull it out for a second.

EVELYN: Okay, Riley, pull out your map and I can explain how to use it.


[R] EVELYN: So, as you can see, there’s a lot of land to cover, and a lot of it is inaccessible unless you have climbing gear.
[R] EVELYN: All those rocks and cliffs and crap are too dangerous without rope and anchors.
[R] EVELYN: But Jacob’s still at Copper Creek Trail, northwest of where you’re at right now.
[R] EVELYN: Take the road and you’ll get there pretty quick.


[R] EVELYN: Also, by the way… your map has a lot of useful information!
[R] EVELYN: Don’t be afraid to whip it out if you ever get lost or forget what you’re doing.
[R] EVELYN: Okay, I’ll call you later when you’re with Jacob. Thanks Riley! Over and out.


JACOB: Ow. Crap. Okay, maybe this… isn’t the right size… nut…
JACOB: No, this… definitely… isn’t the right size, no.
JACOB: Or… is it…?
JACOB: No, no, it’s not.
JACOB: Where the hell is that stupid kit?

Jacob Summers?

RILEY: Hey, uh, s-sorry, but are you… Jacob? Jacob Summers?
JACOB: Oh, hey! Yeah, I’m Jacob, which makes you… Riley.

Hi! I’m your partner, Riley.

RILEY: Hi! I’m Riley, you’re… Jacob, right? I think we’re doing a job together?
JACOB: Oh, hey! Hi. How’s it going? I’m Jacob, yeah.

Car trouble?

RILEY: Having some car trouble?
JACOB: Yeah, heheh… How can you tell?
JACOB: You’re… Riley, right? I’m Jacob.

JACOB: Evelyn let me know you were on your way.
JACOB: Uhhh… you kind of caught me in the middle of… [chuckles]
JACOB: This is embarrassing. I can’t get my truck to start.
JACOB: This was going to be our ride around town for the job, but…
JACOB: She might be on her last legs.

Do we need it?

RILEY: Oh, uh… do we need it?
JACOB: I think they hired me mostly cause I had a truck- [chuckles]. So. Maybe?
JACOB: Let’s, uh, let’s try something, though.

How’d you get it here?

RILEY: Oh man, uh… well, wait. How’d you get it here? Was it working before?
JACOB: It was… but not… now. Or I’m just an idiot. Let’s- can we try something?

Don’t be embarrassed!

RILEY: Oh god, don’t be embarrassed. It’s not your fault, right?
RILEY: Or maybe it is. You know it takes gasoline in the little hole over there, right?
JACOB: [jokingly] Oh, THAT’s what that meter with all the slashes means…
JACOB: Seriously, though, I have no idea. Can we- can we try something real quick?

JACOB: The key’s in the ignition- could you just start up the engine real quick?
JACOB: I’m trying to see if it’s the… uh…
JACOB: …starter or the battery.
JACOB: It’s an ‘85… four cylinder something.

I’d make it worse.

RILEY: Uh, you know, I would, but I’m sure I’d just find a way to make it worse.
JACOB: Don’t sell yourself short.
JACOB: [friendly] All you have to do is turn the key. I won’t check your license.

Uh, sure.

RILEY: Uhm, sure. What the Hell.
JACOB: Thanks, it’s just- I don’t know what the issue is.

I don’t know trucks.

RILEY: I’m… sorry, but I don’t really know trucks. Maybe if this was a station wagon.
JACOB: All you have to do is turn the key. I won’t check your license.


JACOB: [coughing] Ugh, crap. Okay, t-turn it off.


JACOB: Ack. Well… thanks.
JACOB: I won’t even try to explain what happened-
JACOB: I can’t even pretend.

Is this my fault?

RILEY: Eek. Uh, is this my fault?
JACOB: No! No, I think… it was on it’s last legs.
JACOB: Anyway, you helped me out.

Sorry, dude.

RILEY: Oof. Sorry, dude, that sucks.
JACOB: Ah, it’s alright. She gave me eight crappy years, which was more than I expected.
JACOB: Anyway, you helped me out.

That’s bad, right?

RILEY: Ah. That’s… bad, right? That’s not what we want.
JACOB: No. [sighs] That’s not what we want.


JACOB: Turn it off, please.
JACOB: Could you just--
JACOB: [cough] Ugh, damn.
JACOB: Guess you didn’t hear me… asking you to turn the engine off?
JACOB: A few times, there.

Sorry, I’m an idiot.

RILEY: Oof. Sorry. This is-- God, I’m sorry, I’m an idiot, this is all my fault--
JACOB: No, it-- No, it’s fine. I should’ve had more panic in my voice.

I didn’t understand!

RILEY: Oh man, I’m- I- I didn’t understand. I thought you wanted it… Ugh.
JACOB: No, it- No, it’s fine. I should’ve had more panic in my voice.

That’s bad, right?

RILEY: Ah. That’s… bad, right? That’s not what we want.
JACOB: No. [sighs] That’s not what we want.

JACOB: I think we can call time of death on this one.
[R] EVELYN: Riley and Jacob! Did you guys meet up yet? This is Evelyn. Over.
JACOB: Oh, I think that’s our, uh, bosses doing a check in.
JACOB: Wanna answer that?
[R] EVELYN: Riley? Are you there? Pick up, please. Over.
JACOB: It's just the, uh, the button- the clicker thing on the side, there.
JACOB: Always channel 7 for the research lab.
[R] EVELYN: Riley? Are you there?

Riley and Jacob here.

RILEY: Hey, Evelyn, yeah, you got Riley and Jacob here. Over.

Hi, Evelyn.

RILEY: Evelyn? Hey, it’s Riley. Over.
[R] EVELYN: Riley? Just you? Have you met your partner yet?
JACOB: Hey, uh, Evelyn? We’re together, yeah. Over.

[R] EVELYN: Okay, great! Hi Jake! Jake’s great.
[R] EVELYN: He’s a handyman regularly, but we were lucky to get his help with this.
[R] EVELYN: Your truck ready?
[R] EVELYN: You guys good to go?
[R] EVELYN: [quickly] Jacob!
[R] EVELYN: Sorry, you go by Jacob.
[R] EVELYN: I just-- I know a Jake, so it’s muscle memory--
JACOB: No, it’s-- it’s fine, I don’t really care.

Jacob wrecked his truck.

RILEY: Not ready yet Evelyn.
RILEY: Jacob did something before I arrived and screwed up his truck.
JACOB: Haha, no– Evelyn, I don’t know- something’s going on, and I can’t figure it out.

The truck died.

RILEY: Eh, not yet, Evelyn. Jacob’s truck was struck down by a mysterious illness.

Give us a second.

RILEY: Uh, give us a second, here, Evelyn.
JACOB: Eh, maybe more than a second, to be honest. My truck’s misbehaving.

JACOB: I think the engine’s fried. Is our first transmitter point far? Over.
[R] EVELYN: Uh, kinda? It’s Camber Cape. We want to try and get as much overair traffic as we can.
JACOB: I see now why you asked if I had an all terrain vehicle.
[R] EVELYN: Yeah, it’s a lot easier with a ride, but…
[R] EVELYN: I know folks that do the hike for their morning warmup.
[R] EVELYN: It shouldn’t burn you too bad.

Is it far?

RILEY: We’re going to Camber Cape? That’s- isn’t that far?
JACOB: It’s–
[R] EVELYN: [over him] It’s a hike, yeah.

Climb? Like a mountain?

RILEY: Wait– a bit of a climb? Like we’re scaling a… mountain or a really big hill or… what?
JACOB: It’s–
[R] EVELYN: [over him] It's more like a steep hike.

Can we fix the truck?

RILEY: Well, can’t we fix the truck? Call a tow company or something?
[R] EVELYN: Eh, we– we kind of have to get started. Our permits are only good for the next two days.

[R] EVELYN: You two are going to be planting transmitters all around Camena.
[R] EVELYN: Jacob, you have transmitters, right?
JACOB: Uh, just one.
JACOB: Riley, I’m strapped for space, so could you grab the transmitter?
JACOB: It’s right there on the blanket.
JACOB: Thanks.

Oh, okay.

RILEY: Oh, uh, okay. This thing? I think I have the space.

I do have the backpack!

RILEY: Well, I do have the backpack.

JACOB: [chuckles] I promise I won’t think of you as our pack mule.
[R] EVELYN: Then why even say that.


RILEY: Oh. Neat.
[R] EVELYN: One tonight, and a few more tomorrow when the General Store opens.
[R] EVELYN: Okay, guys! I feel good about this! Really! Jacob, Riley… have any questions?
[R] EVELYN: Before I finally get some dinner?

Explain the job again.

RILEY: I'm sorry, but... I just want to be sure I caught everything.
[R] EVELYN: [chuckles] It's okay, it's a bit specialized.
[R] EVELYN: You and Jacob are going to put transmitters- these big, metal poles-into a few areas around Camena.
[R] EVELYN: These will gather electromagnetic data and send them to our lab for study.
[R] EVELYN: We're doing this because some radio signals are disrupting the town's equipment, and no one can figure out why, yet.

Do I need a partner?

RILEY: Uh, just one...
RILEY: No offense, Jacob- we just met, you seem nice- but, do I really need a partner for this?
JACOB: Haha, good question.
[R] EVELYN: [chuckles] Yes, hah- you do, Riley. It's for safety.
[R] EVELYN: You're going to be traversing some hazardous terrain and it's always best to have a spotter.

Nope. No questions.

RILEY: I don't think I have any questions, no.

[R] EVELYN: Alright guys, good luck!
[R] EVELYN: Let me know if you run into any trouble or have any future questions.
[R] EVELYN: I'll be on most of the night.
JACOB: Thanks, Evelyn.
JACOB: Talk to you later.

Over and out!

Okay, over and out!

Thanks, bye!

Alright, Evelyn. Thanks. Uh, bye.

See ya.

Okay, Evelyn, see ya.

JACOB: Uh, Riley- real quick, before we go? Do you see that radio on my truck?
JACOB: Can you grab it?
JACOB: Sorry, but I kinda got my pockets full.

Why the radio?

RILEY: You want to bring a radio? You... planning on listening to music on the way or...?
JACOB: [with a smile] No. There's lots of... kinda cool stuff we can do with it.

Is this for work?

RILEY: Is it for work? They keep mentioning radio waves-
JACOB: It's kinda for work, yeah.

Uh, sure.

Uh, yeah, sure thing.


JACOB: Thanks. Try it out! This far from town, we won't get the whole range, but...
JACOB: I think we can get the, uh, the local baseball game. Tune it to 93.7.
JACOB: It should be on.

Gimme a sec.

Uh yeah, okay. Gimme a sec.

Why is this important?

RILEY: Uh sure, but... is game number 10 of a 162 game season really that important?
JACOB: Ah, I don't care about the game, I just wanna know if we get reception, that's all.

93.7: 93.7, The Cheap Seats, this is David Ratley.
93.7: Bottom of the now tenth for the Camena Crayfish and it's still all tied up at a whopping zero.
JACOB: I used to watch Crayfish games with my older brother, like, twenty years ago.
JACOB: But, uh, thanks! It sounds great.

JACOB: Okay. By foot, Camber Cape is up this way.
JACOB: Shouldn't take too long.
JACOB: Also, uh, Evelyn... she's... a little... funny, right?
JACOB: She ran me through the job a week ago, and she's definitely a character.

Like how?

RILEY: Oh, "funny"? Like how do you mean?
JACOB: I- I don't even know, she's just- her voice has a thing to it, you know? She's a character.
JACOB: If I hear her at a train station or something I'll immediately know... that's Evelyn.

I like her.

RILEY: Oh, I dunno.
RILEY: Maybe it's because I grew up around them, but that particular breed of small town... something...
RILEY: I'm a little nostalgic for it.
JACOB: [laughs a little] Yeah. Not that it's a bad thing.

She's something.

RILEY: Yeah. [chuckles] She's definitely a type.
RILEY: I feel like you see Evelyns running stores that sell nothing but Christmas stuff all year round.
JACOB: [chuckles] Yeah, a little.

JACOB: Hey, uh, this is a really stupid time to bring this up, but...
JACOB: When I heard your name- Riley- I... well- do you remember Junior year?
JACOB: Mrs. Ellsmore's English class? And, uh, P.E. fifth period?
JACOB: We went to high school together. I dated your friend... uh, Patty. Peanut Butter Patty.
JACOB: We ran in different circles, but...
JACOB: Uh, I just wanted you to know that I knew we knew each other...
JACOB: That's all.


RILEY: Okay. We knew each other.
JACOB: [clears throat awkwardly]

Good to see you.

RILEY: Yeah, yeah, no- of course, g-good to see you.
JACOB: Yeah. You too.

JACOB: So, uh- [flat] Hi. I'm Jacob. Nice to meet you. First day on the job topics...
JACOB: I'm what you call an independent contractor.
JACOB: You know- light fixtures, building a deck.
JACOB: But I signed up for this partly because of how weird everything's been. It's why I brought the radio, actually.
JACOB: Evelyn won't get into it, but you can tune into super strange stuff if you know how to find it.

Evelyn won't get into it?

RILEY: Evelyn won't get into it? Won't get into what? What do you mean?
JACOB: Well, it's not an... official part of their study, some of this.

What super strange stuff?

RILEY: Super strange stuff? Like, more than just... foreign stations bouncing off a satellite somewhere?
JACOB: Uh, yeah, way more.

Stations seem normal to me...

RILEY: Really? Like what? The stations seem... pretty normal to me...? A lot of static, but-
JACOB: That's just because of where we are. But... If you try in a good spot...

JACOB: It used to happen just on Edwards Island- it was a sort of... inexplicable audio-visual phenomenon.
JACOB: Using any old radio you could tune into... physical objects.
JACOB: I'm curious if we'll get readings from the island.
JACOB: But I guess we'll see.

Tune into physical objects?

RILEY: Wait, what does, "tune into physical objects" mean? I can't even picture what that could-
JACOB: Yeah, it's... hard to explain.
JACOB: When tuned to the right signal, a radio would sort of... charge up stuff in the enviornment.
JACOB: It didn't make sense- people investigated it to no real... determination or whatever.

What's Edwards Island anyway?

RILEY: Okay, remind me, what's so special about Edwards Island? Isn't it like a tourist trap?
JACOB: It was. Still is, kind of, but people aren't really allowed there anymore. The hours are really limited.
JACOB: But, uh, it was Fort Milner for decades, an old World War era bunker and military base.
JACOB: There's a lot of stories. But... anyways.

Audio-visual phenomena?

RILEY: Audio-visual phenomena? Like, uh, what?
JACOB: Yeah, it's... hard to explain.
JACOB: When tuned to the right signal, a radio would sort of... charge up stuff in the enviornment.
JACOB: It didn't make sense- people investigated it to no real... determination or whatever.

JACOB: The effects, though- that radio effect- has kind of bled from the island to around here, now.
JACOB: But- I'm sorry, I'm just into this stuff. Super nerd techy.



JACOB: But I've been talking my head off ever since we met. God. Okay-
JACOB: What's, uh, brought you back?
JACOB: Is it temporary, or...
JACOB: Just got homesick?

Did you grow up here?

RILEY: Uh, did you, uh, did you grow up here? In Camena?
JACOB: Oh yeah, born and raised. And right here, actually, on the outskirts- not in town.
JACOB: I'm a real parks kid, you know? Never really liked city living. Maybe to my... detriment.

My Dad's not doing well.

RILEY: Um... my Dad... isn't doing too great. I thought I should, um, just move back, y'know.
RILEY: At least for a while. Be home to be close to him.
JACOB: Oh, sorry, that's, um... that's- that's too bad.
JACOB: I- I didn't mean to bring up bad news. But that's really nice of you, to come back, I mean, for him.
JACOB: I'm sure he appreciates it.
JACOB: Family's a, uh, a thorny bush...
JACOB: And I've never said that before in my life.

We're not that close.

RILEY: To be frank, Jacob, we're not that close. I just... [sighs].
RILEY: A lot's happened in my life recently that I just want to make amends before it gets too late.
JACOB: Yeah, that- that makes sense.

Well, what's your story?

RILEY: Well, what's, uh, what's your story? Jacob the handyman- there's gotta be more than that, right?
JACOB: Um... to be perfectly honest... not much more.
JACOB: I'm a tinkerer, I like to tinker. Not in the supervillian way, but you know.

I hope he appreciates it.


I needed a reset.

RILEY: I just needed a reset, I think.
RILEY: I've been- in hindsight, I haven't really planted roots in any one place or in any one thing or in anybody, even, really.
RILEY: And... it's not like I can get away with that forever. [quieter] Especially now.
JACOB: No, I hear ya.
JACOB: I'm kind of the opposite. I never left!
JACOB: Never really explored or...
JACOB: I mean, I've been on trips and stuff.

Sounds like hell.


But you like it, right?

RILEY: But you stayed because you like it, right? Camena?
JACOB: I... am content. But... you never know how content you'd be if you did things different, right?

I left the second I could.



JACOB: Ah, uh, slow up, be careful around those logs.
JACOB: Sometimes it rains and stays slick overnight.
JACOB: But... you seem okay.

One step at a time.

RILEY: Just take one step at a time.

You ever slip?

RILEY: Ha, you ever slip? Sounds like there's a- an anecdote, there.
JACOB: Ha, no. Well... once. Twice, but never seriously hurt.
JACOB: Well, once seriously hurt, but... I'm fine.

JACOB: Oof, uh, this part's... always a little... tricky. Ugh.

JACOB: Oh, uh, wait up a minute, there's a bench over here. [panting]
JACOB: Can we... just take a quick second?
JACOB: I just need to rest my feet.
JACOB: I sound like I'm eighty, but...

I could use the break.

RILEY: Uh, yeah, that's fine. We can take a minute.
RILEY: I could use the break, too.
JACOB: Ah, thanks. Just till my toes stop throbbing.
JACOB: It turned out to be a really nice night.
JACOB: [clears throat]

My dad and I hiked these woods.

RILEY: My, uh, dad and I walked these woods before.
RILEY: I was... five or six, and we were coming up to the entrance to the, uh, the park?
RILEY: And... I saw something. Off in the woods, something that- I just remember it made me slip- and fall a little. And my dad, he pulled me back so I wouldn't go off the ledge.
RILEY: He hurt my shoulder, and... I had to go to the hospital.
RILEY: I've actually... I've actually always hated these woods.
RILEY: I didn't even remember that I hated them until now.
JACOB: These woods will kill you if you let em.
JACOB: [sniffs]

What does that mean?

RILEY: These woods'll kill you? What does that mean?
JACOB: Oh... you know.
JACOB: We have a pretty big black bear population. So. That and other stuff.

Yeah, no kidding.

RILEY: Yeah, I mean... you trip, you fall, you get a tick in your boot, a rattlesnake in your hat...
RILEY: The existential dangers start to add up.
JACOB: Yeah. That... and other stuff.

Yeah, it is.

RILEY: Yeah, it, uh... it is.
JACOB: Feels honestly a little like tornado weather.
JACOB: Which... they don't really happen in Oregon, you know?
JACOB: Maybe it's a sign.

A sign of what?

RILEY: Uh, a sign of what? A tornado?
JACOB: Yeah. That... or something else.

Oregon doesn't get tornadoes.

RILEY: Oregon only gets a tornado like once every twenty years.
JACOB: Yeah, but... when they come... watch out.

Let's get moving.

RILEY: C'mon. Let's get going.
JACOB: Yeah. Sorry.

JACOB: Alright! Thanks for the stop. Helped me catch my breath.

Let's keep it moving.

RILEY: Sorry, but... I wanna get to where we're going before it gets too dark.
RILEY: And... the light's starting to die a bit-
JACOB: Okay, no, that's- that's alright, I'll tough it out [fatigued].
JACOB: Okay.


JACOB: Alright. We're getting close.
JACOB: Just over the crest there should be a clear enough spot for the transmitter.


Note: The sign in game really says "HOURS: SUNRISE TO SUNDOWN", but Riley says sunset instead.

RILEY: Hours: sunrise to sunset.
JACOB: Used to open 'til like ten, but someone spotted a bobcat a couple years back.
JACOB: Limited the hours.


RILEY: Closed. Locked?
RILEY: And locked. Damnit.
RILEY: The hell do I do?
JACOB: Huh. I don't know another way around...
JACOB: Maybe we should call Evelyn. Tell her we're at a bit of an impasse.


JACOB: Sorry this turned into a bit of a headache.
JACOB: I totally forgot they lock parts of the park up after hours.


The gate is locked.

RILEY: Hey, uh, Evelyn? This- thing is closed. Er- locked.
RILEY: The way to the summit. Closes at sunset.
[R] EVELYN: Okay, uh- that's... not ideal. See if you can uh- agh, I dunno. Stupid small town crap, I'll bet the bars close at like 2:30 in the afternoon.
[R] EVELYN: We gotta get that thing placed up top so uh... get creative?
[R] EVELYN: Over and out!

I screwed up.

RILEY: Hey, uh, Evelyn? I think I screwed up. This- thing is closed.
RILEY: Er- locked. The way to the summit. Closes at sunset.
[R] EVELYN: Oh- well, that's not your fault, no need for penance.
[R] EVELYN: But it- isn't exactly the best news. See if you can uh- agh, I dunno. Stupid small town crap, I'll bet the bars close at like 2:30 in the afternoon.
[R] EVELYN: We gotta get that thing placed up top so uh... get creative?
[R] EVELYN: Over and out!


Note: This option only becomes avaliable once you've talked to Jacob and called Evelyn.

RILEY: I'd rather avoid tetanus, so no climbing this one.
JACOB: Don't forget about MRSA.

Never would!

RILEY: Heh, never would!

What the hell's MRSA?

RILEY: Uh, what the Hell is MRSA?
JACOB: Uh, it's just a- just another... infection, another kind of infection.


Note: This option only becomes avaliable once you've talked to Jacob and called Evelyn.

RILEY: Looks like the lock's on the other side.
JACOB: Hm, I'd say let me boost you over but that barbed wire says otherwise.


RILEY: This or nothing.
JACOB: Oh, well, that works, too.
JACOB: It is a, uh...
JACOB: A proper climb, though.

It's not as hard as it looks.

RILEY: Eh, it's not as hard as it looks. Just find your foot before you grip.
JACOB: Mountaineering isn't exactly on my CV so uh- knock yourself out there, champ.
JACOB: Uh, figuratively.

You coming along?

RILEY: Coming with?
JACOB: Mountaineering isn't exactly on my CV so uh- knock yourself out there, champ.
JACOB: Uh, figuratively.

You're missing out.

RILEY: Aw, c'mon, it's fun. Good challenge, ya know?
JACOB: I'll happily take your word for it.

I'll be fine.

RILEY: Don't sweat it, I used to climb the kitchen table before I knew what it was called.

You better hope I don't die.

RILEY: Man, are you gonna feel like crap if I die.
JACOB: [chuckles] You'd be surprised. I'm more callous than I look.
JACOB: T-that was a joke.
JACOB: Mountaineering isn't exactly on my CV so uh- knock yourself out there, champ.
JACOB: Uh, figuratively.

You're missing out.

RILEY: Aw, c'mon, it's fun. Good challenge, ya know?
JACOB: I'll happily take your word for it.

I'll be fine.

RILEY: Don't sweat it, I used to climb the kitchen table before I knew what it was called.

JACOB: Come open the gate when you're topside?

Made it.

RILEY: Ah, made it.

It's pretty.

RILEY: Forgot how pretty it can be up here.

[R] EVELYN: Riley? Are you at the summit? Over.
[R] EVELYN: Jacob? Riley? Are you guys there? Over.

Hey, Evelyn, I'm here.

RILEY: Hey, uh, Evelyn, yeah I'm at the summit. Over.
[R] EVELYN: Ah, perfect. So... when you plant the transmitter, you'll need to adjust it manually a little.
[R] EVELYN: Just fiddle with the dish so it aligns with the signal. You'll know when it happens.
[R] EVELYN: Sounds good?
[R] EVELYN: Over.

Yeah, makes sense.

RILEY: Yeah, yeah, makes sense. Got it.

Uh, sure. Whatever you say.

RILEY: Uh, sure, yeah, whatever you guys need.

[R] EVELYN: Great! Call me back if you get confused or anything. Over and out.

JACOB: Oh, hey, you made it.
JACOB: Good job.
JACOB: And work.

You had doubts?

RILEY: You doubted me?
JACOB: Not for a moment.

It wasn't easy.

RILEY: It was a whole thing and a half.
JACOB: [chuckles] I believe it.


JACOB: You wanna let me in?
JACOB: Uh- okay.
JACOB: See you...
JACOB: When I... see you.

I can do the job.

RILEY: I can do it, Jacob, just hang out until I'm done. Why get both of our pants dirty?
JACOB: I... think my trousers are already dirtied beyond recognition...

I'll be right back.

RILEY: Don't worry, I'll be right back.

See ya!

JACOB: Uh...
JACOB: What is- happening?

JACOB: Riley, seriously- haha, but I should really help you out with this.
JACOB: Come back and open the gate, will ya?


JACOB: Awesome, thanks.
JACOB: Up we go.

JACOB: You grew up here, right? You ever buy that story about Edwards Island?
JACOB: About the submarine that went down near Fort Milner? The USS Kanaloa?

Which story?

RILEY: Uh- which story?

Casualty of war, right?

RILEY: It was a uh- ya know- casualty of war, right?

JACOB: The USS Kanaloa was the only American submarine downed in enemy combat- in American waters.
JACOB: It happened right off the coast of Edwards Island.
JACOB: 1943, during World War Two.
JACOB: But, uh... you know... some people... don't fully buy it.

Great story! Anyways...

RILEY: Interesting story, I'll be sure to grab a pamplet at the bus station.
RILEY: But I have to, uh, plant this transmitter now...
JACOB: Oh yeah. Sorry, I- yeah, of course. I'm talking your ear off about- nevermind.
JACOB: Let's see about that transmitter.

What do you mean?

RILEY: Uh, don't buy what? What do you mean- they think it's a lie?
JACOB: Well... some people say it was friendly fire. That we accidentally bombed our own sub.

Why do people think that?

RILEY: Uh, why would anyone think that?
JACOB: Oh, I don't know. Little discrepancies, little things, details of the story... not fitting exactly right.

Sounds thin...

RILEY: Sounds kinda thin...
RILEY: You would think if something like that actually happened, any more than two people couldn't keep it a secret.
JACOB: That's- well, that's a comforting way to look at it. You could be right.

Do you believe that?

RILEY: Well... when you say some people, are you one of those... some people?
JACOB: Yeah, I'm one of those "some people, yeah, sure, you could say that.

JACOB: Uh- but if uh- if you're willing to bend your brain a bit.. there's always the... other other story.

No thanks.

RILEY: Eh, I'll pass, thanks. I'm kind conspiracy-theoried out, to be honest-
RILEY: A kid on the bus drew me a map to find Bigfoot.
RILEY: I told him I don't know if I'll have the time.
JACOB: Okay, no problem, you got a job to do, anyway. I'm distracting.

Other other?

RILEY: Other other? There's another story on top of us bombing our own soldiers?
JACOB: Do you believe in ghosts?

Go on.

RILEY: Uh... go on?
JACOB: Do you believe in ghosts?


RILEY: Sure.


RILEY: No. Not really.
JACOB: Well...

Gimme a break.

RILEY: Oh, gimme a damn break, Jacob, I thought this was going somewhere interesting.
JACOB: Well, wait, wait, wait- let me get there, first.

JACOB: Some people... maybe even some people standing right next to you...
JACOB: Think the crew members of the USS Kanaloa...
JACOB: Got lost on the way to the light, let's say.


RILEY: I'm throughly creeped out now, thanks.
JACOB: I don't mean to give you goosebumps, I'm just trying to the back-alley tour [chuckles].

[JOKE] I'm a ghost.

RILEY: Dammit, you caught us!
RILEY: I thought I'd have till the end of the night to take my revenge from our watery grave, but-
JACOB: Okay, okay, ya know what? Make fun of me but all I'm saying is...

They should make that the story.

RILEY: Why not make that the official story?
RILEY: The tourism boom from amatuer ghost hunters alone...
JACOB: Well... few have heard the story. And even fewer believe it.
JACOB: But I dunno.

JACOB: It makes sense, if the radio wave strangeness is coming from there, right? I mean...
JACOB: Edwards Island is a weird place. You go there and...
JACOB: It's like your feet never really touch the ground.
JACOB: Couple that with an at least semi-questionable tale or maritime disaster and you have yourself the perfect recipe for a ghost story.
JACOB: Dunno.
JACOB: Your mileage may vary I guess.


RILEY: Utter hogwash.
RILEY: You don't believe this, do you? I mean, c'mon, submarine ghosts?
JACOB: I think that I, a man who struggles deeply to remember to bring dryer sheets to the laundromat- does not have every mystery of the universe solved.

I can believe it.

RILEY: Look, I can believe it. I've seen crap that's hard to explain. Impossible to explain, even.
RILEY: So hey, you tell me a downed submarine crew haunts the coast of Camena, I won't argue.
JACOB: You're kind, but let's be realistic.
JACOB: But hey... ghosts, no ghosts... war time accident or, uh, heroic defeat-

JACOB: At least we can both agree it gets too friggin cold out here, Jesus.
JACOB: I can barely feel my feet.
JACOB: But I guess I'm just not used to night-hikes. [laughs a little]


RILEY: Agreed. I'm freezing.


RILEY: [chuckles] Wimp.

JACOB: Oh, woah. See that? Over Edwards Island?
JACOB: That storm cloud looks nuts.
JACOB: We don't... usually get skies like this.

Wow! Pretty.

RILEY: Oh, wow. It looks... pretty, whatever it is.
JACOB: Yeah. Pretty.

Lightning storm?

RILEY: Oh, cool. A lightning storm? Or... something like that?
JACOB: Yeah, maybe. We might want to do this quick.

Looks foreboding...

RILEY: [disquieted] Yeah... that doesn't look great. Kind of foreboding. Right?
JACOB: Yeah, maybe. We might want to do this quick.

JACOB: So... over here looks as good a spot as any.
JACOB: Let's plant it around this area. It's clear enough. I think.


JACOB: Okay, so, the transmitter needs to be adjusted manually.
JACOB: Just move the... thingy till the whatzit connects to a source frequency.

Clearly you're an expert.

RILEY: Man, you're really nailing the jargon.
JACOB: Thanks! That's three years of online adult education courses talking.

I don't know what I'm doing.

RILEY: Yeah, to be honest, I really don't know what the hell I'm doing...
RILEY: Gimme a second here.

JACOB: Uh, I think... you just have to point it so it catches the signal?

I'm trying.

RILEY: Yeah, yeah, I'm trying, but... give it a sec, here.

Hold your horses.

RILEY: Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold your ponies, here, gimme a second.

JACOB: Yeah, it's working great. I, uh, think...

Should we call Evelyn?

RILEY: Yeah, so... should we call Evelyn? Maybe check with her if it's working?
JACOB: Oh, uh, yeah, good- good idea.

What now?

RILEY: So... what's, uh, what's next?
RILEY: This was our only transmitter for the night. Pack it in?
JACOB: Let's uh, let's actually call Evelyn real quick, make sure they're getting the feed.

Is it working?

RILEY: It's working though, right? I mean... it's doing something. Something is good.
JACOB: Something is... good. But... maybe we should ping Evelyn?
JACOB: Just to make sure it's doing the something they need it to do?


Evelyn? We did it.

RILEY: Hey, uh, Evelyn. We did it- we planted the transmitter. Looks good on our end. Over.
[R] EVELYN: Hey, Riley! Yeah, the- the readings... are just... coming in now. There they are.
[R] EVELYN: Signal's clear. You guys did a great job.
[R] EVELYN: Oh... uh... hold up. One... second. Okay. This is... a little weird. [R] EVELYN: Uh, guys? Tell me, what color is the little light blinking?
[R] EVELYN: Cause...
[R] EVELYN: [to someone else] No, I know, just let me find out first.




RILEY: Why? What's-

Something wrong?

RILEY: Uh, Evelyn, is something-

JACOB: Jesus!
JACOB: Wait- what is that? Do you see that? Over Edwards Island?
JACOB: Riley, do you know- is this- is this right?
[R] EVELYN: Riley! What's going on? The readings are a little... weird over here...
JACOB: Riley? Is this normal?

I don't know.

RILEY: I don't!-

Something's wrong!

RILEY: Something's-

[R] EVELYN: Riley! Turn off the transmitter! It's- just turn it off!
JACOB: What? What's she saying?


??? (OLIVIA): No- no no no- No! God- I can't believe this!
??? (OLIVIA): The portal- something's wrong with it! Erghggh- I was almost there!
??? (VIOLET): What is that touching it? Is it lightning?
??? (CHARLIE): What?
??? (OLIVIA): Wait.
??? (OLIVIA): There's- there's someone... here.

Who are you?

RILEY: Who are-

What the hell?

RILEY: What the hell is-

??? (VIOLET): Who is she?
??? (OLIVIA): She did something! She- whatever she did fried our antenna!


??? (REX): Mom- c'mon, you tell me all the time, 'Don't let the concerns of others concern you'.
??? (REX): Right?
??? (REX): Hey, where are we?


RILEY: Wh-what?

Who are you?

RILEY: Wait- who- who are you?


[R] EVELYN: Come in Riley… if you’re there, pick up, please.
[R] EVELYN: Riley. Answer, please. Over.
[R] EVELYN: Are you there? Riley? It’s the little button on the left, with the dial.
[R] EVELYN: RILEY! ARE YOU IN THE BATHROOM?! Just hit the-- the thing on the side!
[R] EVELYN: Riley, pick up, please, thank you. Over.

Wait... what?

RILEY: Wait... what's-
[R] EVELYN: Hey! Hi, thank God. I didn’t know if you’d be in range.

Sorry... I dozed off?

RILEY: Oh, uh, sorry... I think I... dozed off for a second...
[R] EVELYN: Hey! Hi-- that’s okay, I’m just glad that you picked up and that the walkie’s working.

We already did this...

RILEY: Hey, wait... Evelyn? We- didn't we already do this?
[R] EVELYN: Sorry, can you hear me? The distortion might be… futzing with this.
[R] EVELYN: I’m just glad that the walkie’s still kind of in range.

[R] EVELYN: I'm Evelyn, a new researcher with the lab, like you.
[R] EVELYN: This is the start of my fourth week, actually.
[R] EVELYN: I'm by Oval Beach. It's about 20 miles out, but I can hear you okay. Surprisingly. Can you hear me?
[R] EVELYN: Over.
[R] EVELYN: Riley, how are you hearing me?

I think something's wrong...

RILEY: I'm- Evelyn, I think something's wrong... Didn't this already all... happen?
[R] EVELYN: Didn't what already happen?
[R] EVELYN: The, uh, did Leslie already give you the instructions?

Time went backwards...

RILEY: I think... time went backwards, or... we- or I just went backwards in time, or...
[R] EVELYN: Backwards in time? Huh?

We already did this!

RILEY: Didn't we already do this? This whole- I woke up on the bench and you called me and-
[R] EVELYN: Already do what? You've- you didn't talk to anyone else, right?

Can't you remember this?

RILEY: Evelyn, tell me you remember calling me already and giving me all the info.
RILEY: I went up to the summit? Placed the transmitter? Remember?
[R] EVELYN: Went to the summit? That's what you're saying?

I'm not feeling well...

RILEY: I'm- Evelyn, I think I'm- I might be sick or something.
RILEY: I'm just not feeling very well right now.
[R] EVELYN: Oh no, that's- I'm sorry. Are you... not able to preform your duties, you don't think?
[R] EVELYN: Or...?

Time went backwards...

RILEY: Or maybe it's not me. I just- I think time is... going backwards? Or... repeating stuff?
[R] EVELYN: Repeating stuff? Is that what you- it's hard to-

I already did my duties!

RILEY: I already did my- you know- my duties! I planted the first transmitter, we already did all of this.
[R] EVELYN: Already did all of what? You've- you didn't talk to anyone else, right?

Don't you feel weird, too?

RILEY: Evelyn, don't you feel like... the slightest bit strange too? Like...
RILEY: Don't you remember telling me this stuff? Me going to the summit? I already went there!
[R] EVELYN: Went to the summit? That's what you're saying?

[R] EVELYN: This is, uh, your first day with us, right?
[R] EVELYN: And you just landed in Camena.
[R] EVELYN: I'm sorry, maybe I have the wrong person...?

Evelyn, everything's wrong!

RILEY: Evelyn, just- it's just that everything is... wrong. Or...
RILEY: I don't know. Maybe I-

I don't understand myself.

RILEY: I- I don't even really understand myself, Evelyn. Uh... over.

[R] EVELYN: It's okay Riley, I'll... let's- let's get through the instructions here, and maybe we can circle back.

Uh, I can hear you...

RILEY: Uh, yeah... I can... I can hear you...
[R] EVELYN: As long as it's something.
[R] EVELYN: Well, welcome to Camena! Or the northern tip, anyways.

[R] EVELYN: You're going to be, uh, placing transmitters. That's the, uh, the job.
[R] EVELYN: In your backpack, you'll find most of your equipment.
[R] EVELYN: Should be... four transmitters and a test radio.
[R] EVELYN: Now... here's where I confess that I completely messed up and forgot to pack your climbing gear.
[R] EVELYN: I'm choosing to blame the unforeseen hangover, but-
[R] EVELYN: I express mailed it to the General Store that's run by a very friendly manager who agreed to set it aside for you.
[R] EVELYN: It should be mere yards from the bus stop. He says you can pick it up before you head off.
[R] EVELYN: So just go to the General Store and get your gear, first.
[R] EVELYN: And then you should be all set.
[R] EVELYN: Uh, over.

Yeah I know!

RILEY: Yeah yeah, you forgot all the climbing gear and- yeah, I already know all this.
[R] EVELYN: Oh! Great. That's- I'm glad you're up to speed.

This is so strange.

RILEY: This is just so strange...
[R] EVELYN: I know, I'm normally on top of this stuff but... eh, what can you do?

The store's closed.

RILEY: The General Store's closed, Evelyn, I get there too late.
[R] EVELYN: It's closed? Oh... shoot. Well... can you still head over and knock on the door?
[R] EVELYN: It would help me out a ton if they can just let you grab the equipment real quick.
[R] EVELYN: Sounds good?

[R] EVELYN: Talk to you soon! Over and out.

??? (OLIVIA): Ugh.
??? (OLIVIA): Damn it.
??? (OLIVIA): This isn't the right... time, yet.

Note: If you approach Olivia closely here, it will jump to "Stay back!", followed by remaining dialogue as normal.

Hey! Can you help me?

RILEY: Hey! Kid, can you- can you help me? I think I'm-

I saw you before...

RILEY: Hey, wait, kid... didn't I see you before...?

What are you doing?

RILEY: Hey! Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?

??? (OLIVIA): You? You- keep away. Keep away... from all of this! For your own good.
??? (OLIVIA): This isn't for you.

Who are you?

RILEY: Just- who are you? What are you doing?

Are you doing this?

RILEY: Are you... doing this? Time has-

??? (OLIVIA): Just leave it alone, don't- don't listen to them, don't do anything.

??? (OLIVIA): [shouting] Stay back!


RILEY: Hey! Wait!

What's going on?

RILEY: Hey, what is going on?


[R] EVELYN: Come in Riley… if you’re there, pick up, please.
[R] EVELYN: Riley. Answer, please. Over.

Not again...

RILEY: Not again... Evelyn-
[R] EVELYN: Hey! Hi, thank God. I didn’t know if you’d be in range.

Oh no.

[R] EVELYN: Hey! Hi, thank God. I didn’t know if you’d be in range.

There was some kid...

RILEY: Evelyn? There was- there was some kid breaking into the General Store...
[R] EVELYN: Sorry, can you hear me? The distortion might be… futzing with this.
[R] EVELYN: I’m just glad that the walkie’s still kind of in range.

[R] EVELYN: I just... wanted to tell you that...
[R] EVELYN: Actually... man, have you ever gotten deja vu?
[R] EVELYN: Cause I am getting a serious case of it right now.

Yes! Thank you!

RILEY: Yes! I- yes, thank you, are you starting to maybe... remember that we've gone over this multiple times?

We keep repeating this!

RILEY: Yeah, I think we keep... repeating this same moment? I'm- I'm not sure, but-

We're stuck in a loop!

RILEY: I think we're- I think we might be stuck in a... loop or something?
RILEY: We've done this before-

[R] EVELYN: Riley? Ugh, are you still there? You're getting garbled.
[R] EVELYN: Riley?
[R] EVELYN: Can you hear me?

I'm here!

RILEY: Hey! Evelyn? I'm here, I'm still-


RILEY: Hello? Evelyn?

You can't hear me?

RILEY: Evelyn? Can you- you can't hear me, or-?

RILEY: Echhk-
[STATION 7] VOICE: Girls and boys
[STATION 7] VOICE: Come out to play
[STATION 7] VOICE: The moon does shine
[STATION 7] VOICE: As bright as day
[STATION 7] VOICE: Come with a hoop
[STATION 7] VOICE: Come with a call
[STATION 7] VOICE: Come with good will
[STATION 7] VOICE: Or not at all...


RILEY: H-hello?

Who is this?

RILEY: Who- who is this?


RILEY: E-Evelyn?

??? (OLIVIA): But our antenna- it broke! They planted the beacon thing and it ruined everything-
??? (OLIVIA): It got overworked- we- I'll have to- to repair it- rebuild it somehow, or-
SUNKEN: [distorted] No. She. Will ruin. Us.
??? (OLIVIA): Ugh, it's her again! She keeps trying to- to-



RILEY: Again? Did I just-
RILEY: Uh- okay. Again it is.

What the Hell?

RILEY: What the hell just happened?


This wasn't here before.

RILEY: This definitely wasn't here before, right?
RILEY: [to herself] Right...

What the Hell?

RILEY: Okay, so, now what the hell is this?


RILEY: Alright. More... weirdness.


What happened?

RILEY: [to herself] Wait, what... happened?
RILEY: I feel like... whatever that was... stopped because of that machine? Or... [sigh] I don't know.
RILEY: God, I hope Jacob's okay. [sigh] Maybe he went back to his truck.

I fixed it?

RILEY: I... think I fixed the- the loop, I guess.
RILEY: [sigh] Man, I don't know what the Hell is going on. Maybe- maybe Jacob does, or...
RILEY: I don't know- I should find him, regardless. Maybe he's back at his truck.

Jacob? You here?

RILEY: Jacob? Jacob, you around? [painful sigh]
RILEY: [sigh] Guess not.
RILEY: Maybe he's back at his truck? [sigh] I gotta find him.

RILEY: This... is going to be okay.
RILEY: The forest is the town of trees, where they live quite at ease, with their neighbors at their side-
RILEY: [sigh] Just as we, in cities wide.


RADIO: Their untiring efforts to sustain and increase the usefulness of those times have not been unobserved; and we now desire to express our very high opinion of the punctual, energetic, and perservering character, which, under difficulties neither few nor small, we have so admirably preserved.
RADIO: We therefore beg your acceptance of the accompanying dissolution, which we trust will continue to be a lamp to your feet, and a guide to your path, as heretofore; and that the same bond which has hitherto united us will continue to hold us in sisterly communion.
RADIO: [distored fragments of words]

Jacob? Are you in there?

RILEY: Jacob, are you in there? Answer, please, I don't know what the hell is going on.

Seriously, Jacob, c'mon out!

RILEY: Hey! Seriously, Jacob, c'mon! Stop messing around!

This is weird...

RILEY: [to herself] Well... can't say I like this. Not one bit, no.

Buddy, this isn't funny!

RILEY: RILEY: Hey, pal, or... whoever you are, this isn't funny!
RILEY: Is, uh, is someone there?


RILEY: Hello? Is somebody in that truck?


RILEY: Hey! Hellooooooo! Anyone there? Seriously, just come out of the truck please.

This is weird...

RILEY: [to herself] Well... can't say I like this. Not one bit, no.

Buddy, this isn't funny!

RILEY: Hey, pal, or... whoever you are, this isn't funny!
RILEY: Is, uh, is someone there?

RILEY: Ah! Christ!
JACOB: Hey! Jesus!
JACOB: Good lord, that- I'm sorry, you scared me.
JACOB: Phew.
JACOB: Gotta give my heart a second.

You scared me!

RILEY: You scared me! Are you kidding! Ugh. God.
JACOB: Sorry..

Didn't you hear me?

RILEY: Didn't you hear me? God, I've been calling out for five minutes.
JACOB: Sorry? No, I- I didn't.

What are you doing?

RILEY: What are you doing in there?

JACOB: Oh my God. Riley, this is... I don't know what happened.
JACOB: Do you know what's happened?
JACOB: I was- we were planting the transmitter...
JACOB: Some... lights came out of it?
JACOB: And then... over Edwards Island...

I have no idea!

RILEY: I have no idea what happened! You- you're okay, though?
JACOB: I'm- I don't know! Are you okay?

I was hoping you would!

RILEY: I came down here hoping to find you, hoping- hoping you would know!
RILEY: Are you okay?
JACOB: I'm- I don't know! Are you okay?

A triangle in the sky?

RILEY: There was a- wait, there was a- giant triangle in the sky above Edwards. Right?
RILEY: Did that-?
JACOB: Yeah, that- that happened. That... oh man.
JACOB: Are you... okay?

JACOB: You seem... alive.
JACOB: Which is maybe more than I can say for myself right now.

How would I know?

RILEY: Jacob, honest question.
RILEY: In light of everything that just occured, how would I know if I'm okay?
JACOB: Well.. good point.

I think I'm okay?

RILEY: I... think I'm okay?

I'm very far from okay.

RILEY: I am... many, many miles from feeling... okay.
JACOB: Yeah. Me too. Well, wait- are we talking physically or mentally?


[R] EVELYN: Hey! Guys! Are you there?
JACOB: Oh! It's- it's Evelyn.
JACOB: Jesus.

Thank God.

RILEY: Oh man, thank God. It's only Evelyn.

Maybe she has an idea.

RILEY: Maybe she has, like, any idea of what the Hell is going on.
JACOB: Yeah. Here's- here's hoping.

Tell her I quit.

RILEY: Tell her I don't think I'm cut out for this line of work.
JACOB: [weak laugh] Yeah, I, uh- yeah, just a sec.

JACOB: Hey! Evelyn! We're- we're here. Did you see or- or do you know anything about what happened out here?
JACOB: A bolt of lightning or something came out of the transmitter and it- it kind of knocked us our for a bit- but we somehow made it back to my truck...?
JACOB: I don't- we don't know what happened. Do you? Over.
[R] EVELYN: Oh geez, guys- I don't- I honestly don't think it was lightning.
[R] EVELYN: I don't have eyes over there but the readings on our end are completely flipping out.
[R] EVELYN: You need to go back to Camber Cape and see what the transmitter is doing right now.
JACOB: Oh, really?
JACOB: We- if you could see what's going on...
JACOB: It seems risky.

No way. It's dangerous.

RILEY: Evelyn? This is Riley- sorry, but... there is no way we're going back there.
RILEY: Something's going on- some kind of storm or electrical thing that really messed with our heads.
JACOB: And bodies-
RILEY: [over him] Can you send somebody out here to continue this work if it's really that important?
[R] EVELYN: There's nobody to send, I'm sorry but we're too far out to get to it in time.

I'm out of here, Evelyn.

RILEY: Evelyn? This is Riley- sorry, but... there is no way we're going back there.
RILEY: I'll hitch back to the airport, you can keep my check.
JACOB: Woah, woah, isn't there- isn't there someone you can send out, Evelyn?
[R] EVELYN: There's nobody to send, I'm sorry but we're too far out to get to it in time.

What do we need to do?

RILEY: [sighs] Okay, Evelyn- this is Riley. What do you need us to do.
[R] EVELYN: You need to go back to the transmitter and tell me what it's doing.
[R] EVELYN: While we still have time.

JACOB: Time to do what?
[R] EVELYN: In time for us to figure out what's going on before it gets any worse.
[R] EVELYN: I hate to ask you to do this but it's very important you go back there and check it out.
[R] EVELYN: Over.
JACOB: Ugh... this... you don't really know what you're asking us to do, here.


RILEY: I have to pass on this, Evelyn, seriously you have no idea what we just went through.
[R] EVELYN: Riley, if you don't go back there, you're not putting yourself- ugh, how do I put this...
[R] EVELYN: You're not in any better position than if you just go and solve the issue.
JACOB: Evelyn-
[R] EVELYN: Guys, really, if what you're saying is true, then you just need to give me that data.
[R] EVELYN: I can help you if I know what's going on!
JACOB: I think we have to, Riley.
JACOB: It sucks, I know, but...


RILEY: Ughhhh. Okay. All we have to do is look at the transmitter and tell you what it's doing?
RILEY: Fine. We'll just do it and regret the decision later.

In and out, real quick.

RILEY: Okay, but... we're not lingering, we're not... figuring out math equations while we're up there.
RILEY: There and back, real fast.

Whatever, okay.

RILEY: Ugh, whatever, let's just get this over with.

Ugh, okay.

RILEY: Ughhhh. Okay. All we have to do is look at the transmitter and tell you what it's doing?
RILEY: Fine. We'll just do it and regret the decision later.

We're up for it.

RILEY: Don't worry, Evelyn, we're up for it. [sigh] We're here, aren't we?

[R] EVELYN: Great!
JACOB: But we need assurances.
JACOB: Time and a half. And medical in case our damn skin melts off.
[R] EVELYN: I am... sure we can cover expenses, Jacob, just... please double-time it and get back to that transmitter.
[R] EVELYN: Thank you both so, so much, really. Lemme know when you get there. Over and out.
JACOB: Here. The walkie I had near the transmitter died, so... I assume yours did, too.


RILEY: This should work.


RILEY: Uh... thanks.

I'm nervous about this.

RILEY: I have to say, Jacob, I don't have a good feeling about this.


RILEY: Okay. Ready? Cause... I'm not sure I am.

JACOB: Look... I know this really sucks, what we're about to do, but...
JACOB: I don't know what's going on. But... it seems extremely... bad, is all I can muster right now.
JACOB: And we're the only ones out here that knows anything about it.
JACOB: So... I feel like people are put in situations where they can... most matter.
JACOB: And this feels like it matters.
JACOB: Right?
JACOB: So if it's up to us to do this, then...
JACOB: Let's, uh, let's get to doing.

No, this just sucks.

RILEY: No, Jacob. You should have stopped at, "I know this really sucks."
RILEY: There is no greater plan for us.
RILEY: There's just atoms bouncing off other atoms until the universe dies.
RILEY: But, you know, whatever... sometimes those atoms have jobs they need to finish.

I'd like to believe that.

RILEY: Man, Jacob... I'd really love to believe that.
JACOB: Well... you should! If only for the next hour or so. It helps, trust me.

We'll figure it out.

RILEY: Well... maybe that's true, maybe it's not, but... I know we can figure it out.
RILEY: I mean, you I don't know, but I know I can figure it out.
JACOB: Yeah, I, uh, I believe you.

Note: A thought bubble for Riley appears after each of these options. Looking into how this effects future dialogue.


Note: Parentage is talking through Station 3.

??? [R] (OLIVIA): Charlie? Violet? You there?
JACOB: Oh, wait. Listen. That's...
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Their transmitter knocked everything out of whack.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): The reverberation destroyed our antenna. We... [sigh] need to repair it.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): We... I almost had it. They were talking- we were talking. Ugh.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): [slowly] Charlie? Come in.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Violet? Where are you?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Over.


Hey! I can hear you!

RILEY: Hey! We can hear you, you know. This isn’t a secure line. Over.
JACOB: No, Riley-

Quit whatever you're doing.

RILEY: Hey! Whoever this is… quit whatever you’re doing before this- whatever this is- gets any worse.
JACOB: No, Riley-

Tell me what's going on?!

RILEY: Hey, I don't know if anyone's noticed, but time and space doesn't seem to be working properly anymore, so...
RILEY: Can one of you please tell me what is going on, exactly?
JACOB: No, Riley-

??? [R] (OLIVIA): Ah, it’s you.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): You know, they did mention something about… a stranger.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Coming with a shield she thinks is a sword.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): I didn’t think it’d be a forty-five-year-old with a transmitter.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): But I guess that’s my fault for assuming things.

I’m not forty-five!

RILEY: Um, I’m not forty-five, alright? How old are you?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Old enough.

Who’s they?

RILEY: Who’s they? Who are you talking about?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): They made the moon and all the planets and even those flying saucers that abducted those cows ten years ago.

Who are you?

RILEY: Who am I speaking with?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Aw, you’re a little behind on the eight ball, aren’t you.

??? [R] (OLIVIA): Charlie, are you still there?
??? [R] (CHARLIE): Yeah.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Head to the ranger’s station. You can get the receiver there.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): We need it to fix the antenna. Okay?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Oh, and Riley? Riley Poverly… right? How’s the new job?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): You like it?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Is it working out?

How do you know that?

RILEY: Okay. Haha. How do you know that I got a new job?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Because they never lie to me.

So you looked me up.

RILEY: [sarcastically] Wow. I’m really impressed. You took a picture and reverse image searched, awesome. Technology, right?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Not exactly.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): I know because they never lie to me.

It’s just great, thanks.

RILEY: Uh, it’s going great, thanks, my exit interview will be nothing but praise.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Good to hear. I’m happy for you.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): They’re happy for you too.

??? [R] (OLIVIA): Watch for the stars, they will be your guide.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Over and out.


Should I answer?

RILEY: Should we, uh, answer them?
JACOB: No, no, wait, wait, I... want to hear what they're going to say, first- they don't know we can hear them, yet.

Let's listen in!

RILEY: Let’s just listen in for a second…

??? [R] (VIOLET): Guys? I-I think I'm lost. I'm at... somewhere by the cliffs?
JACOB: I think she's by the cave system.
??? [R] (CHARLIE): Violet! What happened? Where did everybody go?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Charlie, where are you? Over.
??? [R] (CHARLIE): I’m… I think I’m by the Ranger’s station.
JACOB: Point Tilia. That’s not far from here.
??? [R] (CHARLIE): I can get another receiver to fix the antenna.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Hurry.
??? [R] (OLIVIA): And Violet? Stay put. Charlie and I will get you later. Okay?
??? [R] (OLIVIA): Hearth and cinder. Catch squirrels if you can. Over and out.

JACOB: That… doesn’t sound good.
JACOB: They sound… young.
JACOB: [groan]

Know who they are?

RILEY: You have any idea who they could be?
JACOB: Uh… I don’t know. One of them sounds… familiar, but… I’m not sure, yet.

Let’s get to the transmitter.

RILEY: Let’s just focus on the stuff we can control, like…
RILEY: Getting any data we can from the transmitter.
JACOB: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Let’s do it.



JACOB: No, don't go that way! Climbing will take too long, let's just take the stairs, c'mon!
JACOB: Uh, the gate's open! You don't have to- okay. I'll just see you there!
JACOB: God, seriously!? Okay, I'll- I'll just meet you there up and around!

I just wanted to!

RILEY: I'm sorry, I just wanted to! I don't get climbing surfaces like this in the city!
JACOB: That's- okay, I guess- I just didn't think that would be a priority right now!

This is quicker!

RILEY: Believe me, Jacob, this is quicker for me!
JACOB: I sincerely doubt that, but whatever you say!

through the gate

JACOB: Let's- let's just hurry up and see what the transmitter is doing.
JACOB: C'mon!

Right behind you!

RILEY: Yeah, right behind you, let's go.

Why is it causing this?

RILEY: What the hell could- why is it doing this?
JACOB: I have no earthly idea, Riley, but we can figure that out when we stop it!

Don't wait for me!

RILEY: Don't wait for me, just go!

JACOB: Crap, okay- this- this looks very volatile.
JACOB: It's affecting something over Edwards Island- you see that? What the hell is that?
JACOB: That giant... thing in the sky?
JACOB: It's a huge lightshow.

It looks like colored lightning...

RILEY: It's like lightning... but different... colors?
RILEY: I've seen pictures of the Aurora Borealis but this is like the souped-up version.

It's a hole in the sky?

RILEY: It looks like- like a giant hole in the sky? How is that possible?
RILEY: Is the... transmitter really affecting it? It's beaming some kind of... energy to it, but...

I'm just glad it's far away.

RILEY: Jacob, I have zero guesses as to what that horrifying thing floating in the sky is.
RILEY: I'm just... glad it's over there.
JACOB: I wouldn't take too much, uh, comfort in that, Riley.
JACOB: Whatever it is- and whatever the transmitter's doing with it- definitely affected us over here.

JACOB: Riley, this is gonna sound- I don't know, but... this is all [resets] I've heard about this.
JACOB: Someone told me this was possible... years ago.
JACOB: She- no one really believed her.
JACOB: But... she knew.
JACOB: Even thirty- forty years ago, she knew.

What are you talking about?

RILEY: Jacob, what are you talking about?

Do you know something?

RILEY: Jacob, do you... know something that I don't, or...?


RILEY: Jacob? Who are you talking about?

JACOB: Wait. Riley... do you- do you hear that?
JACOB: There's...

Hear what?

RILEY: Uh, hear... what?

I don't hear anything...

RILEY: Uh, Jacob, I... don't hear anything.

JACOB: You don't hear that?
JACOB: It sounds like... it sounds like...
JACOB: [possessed] Kids.
JACOB: [incohearant mumbling]


RILEY: Jacob?! Jacob- can you- can you hear me?

Oh my god!

RILEY: Holy- oh my God- what's- what is this?

JACOB: [incohearant mumbling]

It sounds like a radio...

RILEY: It sounds... does that sound like a radio? What is going on?


RILEY: Jac- Jacob? Oh- I can't believe this- Jacob!

This is a nightmare.

RILEY: This is a nightmare, I... [sighs] Oh God.

RILEY: [half to herself] What is that noise?

I have to do something!

RILEY: [to herself] I have to do something, here... I can't just...

I'm not leaving you!

RILEY: [to herself] I'm not leaving you, Jacob- just- just stay with me...

That noise!

RILEY: [to herself] God, that noise! It sounds... just like...

RILEY: [to herself] But... [sigh] I don't know, it doesn't make any sense!



Oh crap!

RILEY: Oh crap! Wow- my- my God.


RILEY: Jacob! Jacob! Oh God. [to herself] Just- just hold on...

TUNE TO: 100, 108

???: Remember your name and address.
???: And telephone number too.
???: And if, someday, you lose your way.
???: You know just what to do.
???: Right. Kid.

What is happening?

RILEY: What... is going-

Who is this?

RILEY: Wait, who... who is this?

What does that mean?

RILEY: What does... that mean? I-

???: Marco.


RILEY: Uh... P-


RILEY: Uh... wha-


RILEY: Uh... Jac-


BARTENDER: Hey. You hear what I said? Miss? Bar's closing.
BARTENDER: Hey! Anyone know her?


RILEY: What? What's... that-

Get home?

RILEY: Get... gotta get home? Whose home?

Where am I?

RILEY: Where... where- where am I?

BARTENDER: Anyone friends with this woman? Anyone?
BARTENDER: Do I have to call somebody?

I didn't do anything.

RILEY: I didn't even DO anything. Okay? What are you coming at me for?
BARTENDER: What am I coming at you for? You haven't even paid your TAB, yet.

How'd I get here?

RILEY: How'd I... how'd I get here, just-
BARTENDER: How'd you get here? How are you getting HOME? That's the- that's what we're-

Am I just drunk?

RILEY: Wait wait wait... wait- I am- this whole thing isn't cause I'm just-
BARTENDER: It's time to get up- let's go- there's nothing to figure out-
BARTENDER: Night's over, okay?

BARTENDER: Hey! Wait, buddy, you were talking to her earlier-


JACOB: Ugh... God.
???: Rye. Lee. The. Traveler.
JACOB: Holy hell.
???: The Fortress. Wall. Before. Our tide.
???: Always. Making. Your mess.
???: Spilling. Everything. Everywhere.

I've made a mess?

RILEY: I've- I've made a mess?

What are you?

RILEY: What... are you? Is- is this-?

Do you know me?

RILEY: Do you- do you know me?

???: We are lost! We are lost!
???: And we will take-
???: -what is yours-
???: -to be found again.



RILEY: Woah. Jacob. I mean...

Where are we?

RILEY: Uh, wait... Jacob... where- where are we?

Glad you're alive.

RILEY: Jacob. Man. I'm... happy you're alive. Was kind of touch and go there for a minute.

JACOB: I... are we in- this is Garland. [sigh] God.
JACOB: This is crazy. The time glitches, the... jumping around...
JACOB: Riley... I think I might know what's going on.
JACOB: But first let's get the hell out of here.


JACOB: Evelyn? You there? Over.
JACOB: Ugh, I don't think we can get through.
JACOB: Look, I, uh... I think I know what... might be going on... but... it's going to take some explaning.
JACOB: My cottage is just the way up here. I might have something that could help.
JACOB: It's not very far.

What could help us?

RILEY: I find it very hard to believe that you could honestly have anything to help with- I don't even know what this problem is.
JACOB: I know, I know, it's- this is going to sound crazy.

What do you know?

RILEY: Jacob. What do you know? What's going on?

You live in a cabin?

RILEY: You live in a- in a cabin? Like a log cabin?
JACOB: Well I said "cottage," but... it's- yeah, it's been in my family for a while.
JACOB: We were one of the few allowed to build on the land. It's technically a part of the park.
JACOB: Anyways.

JACOB: I took this job, because I've been into this... stuff... ever since I was young.
JACOB: And... I'm not just... randomly into radio technology, I know what transmitters are for a reason.
JACOB: When I was a kid, there was this older lady who lived in town-
JACOB: -well, she lived on Edwards Island, really, but she got her groceries and stuff in town.
JACOB: She... studied this stuff.
JACOB: Weird frequencies, signals- she had lots of theories no one believed- or would believe.
JACOB: When we were kids, we were kind of... friends, and... I have a lot of her journals, still.
JACOB: I know she wrote about... something like this.
JACOB: I think it can help.
JACOB: I know it can.
JACOB: Just... trust me.

You were friends?

RILEY: You- wait, when you were a little kid, you were friends with an old lady who lived on Edwards Island?
JACOB: I know it sounds strange, but... let's just see if- if her work helps, first.

What theories?

RILEY: Uh, what theories? What- what did she think about... I'm sorry, I'm confused-
RILEY: She had ideas about these weird frequencies before any of it ever happened?
JACOB: Uh... sort of. Well, I mean... it kind of has always been happening.
JACOB: Just- let's see if her work helps, first.

Who was she?

RILEY: What did she do- what was she?
JACOB: She worked at Fort Milner on Edwards Island when the base was still operational.
JACOB: But... I can get into it if you want, after we find out if her work will even help us.

JACOB: And then I can give you the footnotes, you know?
JACOB: It's not far.


JACOB: The cabin's just up, uh, this way.
JACOB: Not that it's gonna wow your socks off or anything but I like to explain to people that I inherited it-
JACOB: Just so you don't think- It's not like this is my beach house or anything.
JACOB: My parents had me and my brother old, and both died in our twenties.

Oof, that sucks.

RILEY: Oh, that- I'm sorry, that, uh, that sucks.
JACOB: Yeah, it would have been nice for them to have met eachother a little younger-
JACOB: -but... I guess I'm just happy they met at all.

Cool to get a cabin!

RILEY: Hey, it's pretty cool to get a free cabin.
JACOB: Well, free in a sense. I didn't have to pay for it, certainly, but... I paid for it, you know.

Is it your brother's too?

RILEY: So you share it with your brother?
JACOB: Yeah, technically. But... he's, uh, never really around.

JACOB: The cabin and the money left to me in my parents' will means that...
JACOB: I have to work, but it's not like a huge deal. Basically.
JACOB: I, uh-[chuckles]- I used to worry this made me a boring person.
JACOB: I wouldn't tell dates or people I just met.
JACOB: I was kind of embarrased by it.

It does.

RILEY: Eh, I mean... it kinda does.
JACOB: [chuckles] A little. Right?

No, it's interesting.

RILEY: No, it's, uh, it makes you more intriguing- it's a story- it's something unique.

Why worry about that?

RILEY: Why worry about that, Jacob. Everyone's boring. In their own little way. Trust me.

JACOB: Well... I don't think I'll worry about not having many stories to tell after tonight.
JACOB: Just a... gut feeling.
JACOB: Anyways, cabin's close by. Come on.

Note: A thought bubble for Riley appears after each of these options. Looking into how this effects future dialogue. Also, if you get too close to the cabin after "I have to work, but it's not like a huge deal. Basically," Jacob will cut you off with "I'm compelled to remind you..." and the dialouge options won't appear. Sucks that you could miss out on character building! I wonder how many people missed this.

JACOB: I'm compelled to remind you that this place was an inheritance.
JACOB: I'm not a secret billionaire.
JACOB: Just look at my shoes.

Sure you're not.

RILEY: Exactly what a secret billionaire would want me to think.
JACOB: Trust me, if I was a billionaire I would wake up every morning, grab a bullhorn and shout "I AM A BILLIONAIRE!"
JACOB: Secrets are for people who can't pay violation of noise fines.

It's nice.

RILEY: I like it. It's like if a tree fort could grow up.
JACOB: Hey, thanks.
JACOB: I try to keep it ship-shape.

This is a castle.

RILEY: Uh... are you a Duke of something or something? Th- this is a castle.
JACOB: Oh yeah, yeah, real palatial. Warm in the summer, cold in the winter.
JACOB: It creaks, it leaks, and termites can't get enough of it!
JACOB: Don't judge a book by it's cover works both ways, trust me.

JACOB: All of the stuff that we need is inside... Should just take a minute- I know exactly where it is.
JACOB: Damnit.
JACOB: Damnit damnit damnit.

Need a refresher?

RILEY: Do we need to review doors again?
JACOB: No- I...

What's up?

RILEY: Problem?
JACOB: Kind... of... yes.

JACOB: The door is locked, which it should be.
JACOB: The keys, however, are not where they should be- they're- I can picture it- they're in the kitchen drawer.
JACOB: I was moving things around this morning- and I forgot to put them back in my pants.
JACOB: [sigh] God.
JACOB: Sorry.

It happens.

RILEY: Hey, it happens.


RILEY: Really? C'mon, dude, that's like the first pocket you check when taking a walk.
JACOB: Yes, thank you, got it.

Is this really your house?

RILEY: I'm starting to get worried that this isn't your house. Should I be?
JACOB: Well I could show you my Driver's License if that wasn't also inside.

JACOB: I watched a video on how to pick locks.
JACOB: I think I remember... the host's hair color.
JACOB: I'll tool around with it for a bit and if push comes I'll just unscrew the damn thing.
JACOB: [sigh]
JACOB: Did that-? No. Okay.
JACOB: Maybe? No.
JACOB: [humming...]

Note: Jacob is humming Lost, Jonas's mom's song from the first game.


Can we enter through here?

RILEY: Hey, can we just get in through here?
JACOB: Absolutely!
JACOB: If my truck was here with the garage door opener.
JACOB: Sorry.

Where's your opener?

RILEY: Long shot, but do you got your garage door opener on you?
JACOB: Believe it or not, not a usual pocket suspect.
JACOB: Sorry.


RILEY: Doesn't look like he cleans the gutters much.
RILEY: Eh, maybe he plans to.



RILEY: Swell.


RILEY: Damn it.



RILEY: C'mon c'mon c'mon...

Almost got it...

RILEY: Almost... there...

Pain in the ass...

RILEY: Stupid pain in the ass bastard door... thing.

RILEY: Drats.


RILEY: Why am I not surprised?


How can I get up there?

RILEY: I need to get up there. Hm.

Why is that open?

RILEY: Why would he leave his window open like that?
RILEY: All those bugs.


RILEY: This should reach the window.